Learn more about organizations working towards youth food justice, as well as curricula designed for young people.
Alliance for a Healthier Generation
This organization works on ending the epidemic of childhood obesity and to empower youth nationwide to make healthy lifestyle choices.
Funders Collaborative for Youth Organizing
FCYO aims to substantially increase the philanthropic investment in and strengthen the organizational capacities of youth organizing groups across the country through participation and leadership of young people, particularly young people of color.
Growing Food and Justice for All Initiative
Growing Food and Justice for All Initiative (GFJI) is an initiative aimed at dismantling racism and empowering low-income and communities of color through sustainable and local agriculture.
Movement Strategy Center
MSC supports community-based organizations and their foundation partners to develop the skills, culture, analysis and vision to work together in broad alliances. It provides a range of services, including strategy development and visioning, organizational development and capacity building, national network and alliance building, sustainability training and coaching, field building and community-based research.
Real Food Challenge
The Real Food Challenge leverages the power of youth and universities to create a healthy, fair and green food system, and maintains a national network of student food activists—providing opportunities for networking, learning, and leadership development for thousands of emerging leaders.
Youth Activism Against Obesity
The primary mission of Youth Activism Against Obesity is to increase middle school and high school students’ awareness of the health risks of consuming foods with poor nutritional or high caloric content such as fast food and soda, to promote healthy food choices and increased physical activity. Secondarily, YAAO aims to increase students’ involvement in food policy advocacy within their schools, their local community, and the larger online community they are also a part of.
Youth in the Food Movement: Map
An interactive map of youth food justice organizations across the United States.
Food for the SOL: A Food, Justice, and Community Building Curriculum for Youth
A curriculum that provides interactive activities and lesson plans for youth in the food movement.
Diversity Works: The Source
An online, sortable database of diversity, anti-oppression, and community-building activities developed by DiversityWorks. We invite you to use this tool to strengthen your trainings, introduce new material, and work towards creating a more just world. You can start using The Source by initiating a search, but please be sure to read the disclaimer below before doing so.
Food for Thought and Action: A Food Sovereignty Curriculum
This publications is a popular education tool that offers a practical way to strengthen a growing food sovereignty movement that includes consumers, farmers, environmentalists and faith communities.
Just the Facts: When Corporations Rule our Food
A one-page infographic about corporate control of our food.
Food Access & Food Justice
This curriculum focuses on the issue of food deserts and food justice, with the goal of people understanding food access as a problem, and moving from food access being a problem to an issue.
The Food, Farming and Community Curriculum
The Food, Farming and Community curriculum is designed for adults who are interested in but not particularly knowledgeable about food systems and sustainable agriculture. This includes adult learners in study groups, teachers attending workshops, college students, or anyone seeking to learn more about food systems that benefit personal health, the environment, and the local economy.
Food Systems Curriculum
A variety of curricula and interactive activities about food systems, food justice, and ocal food economies.
Movement Generation Justice and Ecology Project
This tool highlight the intensifying nature of the ecological crisis faced by our planet and how it’s severely impacting poor communities, indigenous communities, and historically marginalized communities.
Discovering the Food System: An Experiential Learning Program for Young and Inquiring Minds
This guided experiential learning program is designed primarily for youth ages 12 to 18.