Farm Bill Update: National Call-In Day

Cuts to nutrition assistance for struggling families are unacceptable. You can help: Here’s the latest Farm Bill action from our friends at Half in Ten.

Urge your member of Congress not to cut nutrition assistance!

Funding for supplemental nutrition assistance—a vital support for low-income families and children—is on the chopping block. Next week the House of Representatives will debate the Farm Bill, which includes nearly $21 billion in catastrophic cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP (formerly food stamps), causing millions of low-income children and families struggling with hunger to see their food assistance cut, or to lose their benefits entirely—a loss of 8 billion meals.

We must take action. We cannot let this happen.

Here are two ways you can take action:

  1. On Tuesday, June 18, is a National Call-In Day. Call your Member of Congress to express your opposition to the Farm Bill and the $20.5 billion in cuts to SNAP. Call the toll-free hotline at 866.527.1087 to be connected to your Member of Congress.
  2. Send an email to your member of Congress telling them that cuts to SNAP are unacceptable.

The House Farm Bill will:

  • Cause 2 million individuals to lose their SNAP benefits entirely
  • Cause 210,000 children to lose access to free school meals
  • Cause 850,000 households to see their benefits cut by an average of $90 per month
  • Slash nutrition-education funding, which helps low-income families stretch limited resources to maximize nutrition

Sample tweet:

Take action and contact your Representative today: House Farm Bill proposing $21 billion in SNAP cuts is unacceptable! // @HalfinTen

We need your help to take action to help families put food on the table. Now is the time to stand up for vulnerable families!

Liz Joyce