Snapshots from the Field: Visit to MPP in Haiti

by Debbie Grunbaum, Director of Communications

WhyHunger’s Imagine There’s No Hunger campaign, in partnership with Hard Rock International and Yoko Ono Lennon, works with 26 grassroots organizations in 15 countries to address the immediate needs of childhood hunger and support long-term, sustainable solutions to rebuild local food economies.   On the ground in Haiti, our Imagine partners at Mouvman Peyizan Papay (Peasant Movement of Papaye), or MPP, are working with over 60,000 peasant farmers to reshape Haiti’s food economy and ensure that everyone has the right to good food.  On a recent visit to the Central Plateau, where MPP has its headquarters, we learned that this movement is not only taking shape in the fields, but also in the schools.

The demand for healthier, locally-grown school food is heating up across the United States and some amazing WhyHunger partners are leading the change from the grassroots up.  This week, we want to share a snapshot of school food in Haiti, brought to you by MPP.


Liz Joyce