WhyHunger is proud to join the US Food Sovereignty Alliance in congratulating the honorees of the 2013 Food Sovereignty Prize!
Winner: Group of 4, Dessalines Brigade/Via Campesina, Haiti & South America
Honorable Mentions: Basque Country Peasants’ Solidarity (EHNE), Basque Country Coordination of Peasant Organizations (CNOP), Mali Tamil Nadu Women’s Collective (TNWC), India
In contrast to the World Food Prize this year honoring Monsanto and Syngenta scientists, the Food Sovereignty Prize honors sustainable, ecological, community-based movements representing over three million people worldwide.
The US Food Sovereignty Alliance will honor these four inspiring groups at the Fifth Annual Food Sovereignty Prize Ceremony on Oct 15, 2013, in NYC. Shirley Sherrod, former USDA regional director and long-time advocate for family farmers, will give the keynote address.
Talk about the prize and food sovereignty at #foodsovprize!