Organizations: Food Deserts

Research institutions, nonprofits and programs that work to build equitable food systems in food desert regions in the Unites States.

Research Organizations

Community Food Lab
A North Carolina-based design group that combines food systems research, design and a social mission to develop food systems solutions and advocacy.

Food Systems Planning & Healthy Communities Lab
The Food Systems Planning and Healthy Communities Lab at the University at Buffalo is dedicated to research that critically examines the role of planning and policy in facilitating sustainable food systems and healthy communities.

Mari Gallagher Research and Consulting Group
This research and consulting firm is known for its work on food deserts.

A national research and action institute that works to advance economic and social equity.

USDA Economic Research Service
The ERS mission is to inform and enhance public and private decision making on economic and policy issues related to agriculture, food, the environment, and rural development.

Nonprofits and Programs

Food Empowerment Project
A California-based project that surveys for food availability and conducts focus groups with community organizations in the impacted areas. 

Healthy Corner Stores Network
The Healthy Corner Stores Network supports efforts to increase the availability and sales of healthy, affordable foods through small-scale stores in underserved communities

Kansas State University Rural Grocery Initiative
Addresses the economic and nutritional challenges faced by rural communities by strengthening grocery stores in rural areas.

Somos La Semilla
A network of grassroots organizations, funders, farmers, and community health centers in the Arizona-Sonora borderlands working together to grow healthy food systems.

The Food Trust
The Food Trust is responding to the contemporary epidemic of diet-related disease and malnutrition by working to increase access to affordable and nutritious food and helping people to improve their diets.

Wholesome Wave
A nonprofit that works to make food more affordable and accessible in underserved communities.

Updated 9/2014
