When Disaster Strikes, There’s An Overwhelming Desire To Help.
Natural and human-made disasters are a major threat to immediate and long-term food security. WhyHunger is committed to supporting our grassroots partners every step of the way.
Our Rapid Response Fund exists to mobilize funds quickly when disaster strikes. We know that our partners, who live and work in these communities, are the true first responders. So, we assist them with urgent needs for food, water, and medicine, as well as long-term support to rebuild homes, farms, and communities.
Will you join us?
Investing in WhyHunger’s Rapid Response Fund means supporting communities in crisis, so they can rebuild and return to the work of solving hunger for good.
WhyHunger’s Find Food Services are available in times of crisis and year-round to help anyone in need of food assistance in the United States. If you or someone you know is need of help, visit WhyHunger.org/FindFood, text your zip code to 1-800-548-6479, or if you need further assistance call 1-800-5HUNGRY (1-800-548-6479), to locate free, nutritious food in your community.