Somos la Semilla

Images from Somos la Semilla

Somos La Semilla is a network of grassroots groups, organizations, funders, farmers, activists, educators, backyard gardeners, seed savers, and community health clinics in the Arizona-Sonora Borderlands working together to grow our future though healthy “fooding” systems. Our aim is to reach out to people who are interested in being part of emerging, alternative fooding systems, empower organizations at the individual level, share our resources and skills, forge local inter-dependency, and discover new possibilities for sustainable agricultural practices.

We believe in:

  • cross-border cooperation and ideas;
  • autosufiencia/self-sufficiency;
  • responsible consumption empowerment;
  • real agricultural education, seed-to-seed teaching from soil, seed, person, community;
  • creating local abundance- fresh food for all;
  • leading by example;
  • building a collaborative network of farmers and community;
  • inter-dependent communities;
  • conservation- care for and sustain the environment
