WhyHunger’s 2015 Annual Report has just been released! This report is full of our achievements and impacts over the past year as we continue to build a broad-based social movement with our grassroots partners to ensure that everyone has a right to nutritious food. In this report you’ll find updates on annual campaigns such as Hungerthon and Imagine There’s No Hunger, as well as programmatic work done through the Grassroots Action Network, Global Movements, Artists Against Hunger and Poverty and the Nourish Network for the Right to Food, with a highlight on alliance building with Closing the Hunger Gap and the National Black Food and Justice Alliance.
Here’s an excerpt from WhyHunger’s Executive Director, Noreen Springstead:
“With one year as the executive director under my belt, I feel honored and excited to be working with our staff, board, grassroots partners and you to lead such an incredible organization. Harry Chapin and Bill Ayres started WhyHunger in 1975 to move beyond food charity and address the social justice issues at the core of hunger. We remain true to that mission today. We stand in solidarity with our community-based partners all around the globe and listen to their wisdom to inform our work. Together
we move our strategy forward to tackle the root causes of hunger by building a strong movement rooted in grassroots innovations, social justice and the right to nutritious food for all. What we know for certain is that charity alone will not end hunger; working for social justice will.
Food pantries and soup kitchens across our country are dedicated to the necessary task of feeding hungry people, but giving out food only solves hunger today. This model of charitable food distribution cannot address the problems that trap millions of people in a cycle of food insecurity and poverty. We need passion, strategic-thinking, community-led solutions, effective policies and unified power emanating from the grassroots to tackle these issues. We need a movement.”
Download and read the full annual report.