
For decades, WhyHunger has operated a national “Find Food” database, Hotline, and Texting service to connect people with free, nutritious food in their local communities. In response to COVID-19, we have enhanced our existing database and launched a truly comprehensive, crowd-sourced and open-sourced Find Food COVID Map to connect anyone in need across the U.S. with free food, locally.

You can help us enhance this important resource at this critical time so we can help more people access food! Without having to leave your home, you can help us by:

1. Keeping the map up to date by calling food distribution points and asking a series of questions about their hours and operations in light of COVID-19. Using our web app tool, the information you collect will automatically get updated in the map!

2. Initiate and conduct telephone inquiries and/or internet research for new emergency food sites

3. Enter new site information into the National Find Food Database

4. Update and maintain emergency food sites within the database on a periodical basis

Sign Up Now to start volunteering


Right now, we’re experiencing record high call volumes on the national Hunger Hotline due to the economic impact of Covid-19. We’re recruiting a team of Volunteer Hotline Advocates to help answer calls and provide callers with referrals to emergency food sites and other social services that they may need.

Responsibilities include:
1. Answer calls and respond to voicemail messages on WhyHunger’s national Hunger Hotline

2. Help callers locate soup kitchens, food pantries, and other emergency food sites in their communities using WhyHunger’s “Find Food” database and other emergency food databases

3. Complete a call log entry, document stories, and record demographic info shared by each caller

To volunteer to help answer calls, you’ll need to complete a one-hour training. The training is conducted live via video conference and covers setting up your cell phone to receive calls via our Hotline app, an introduction and review of the internet resources you will use to help Hotline callers, and an overview of who our callers are, what to say on a call, and how to best help callers meet their immediate needs for food access.

Email [email protected] to let us know you are interested.


If you’re willing and able to help out in person there are lots of opportunities to do so! To start, take a look at our Find Food COVID Map to locate the food banks and pantries local to your area. Once located, give the organization a call to see how they could best use your assistance. Three areas of typical interest are:

1. Volunteering at the food bank or pantry to hand out or pack food

2. Using your personal vehicle to drive food to those who don’t have access to food banks and pantries

3. Supporting and maintaining local community gardens (where applicable)

Start by clicking here to find the food bank or pantry nearest you!