We’re pleased to announce the launch of the seventh annual IMAGINE THERE’S NO HUNGER global campaign. We are teaming up with Yoko Ono Lennon and Hard Rock International to challenge the charitable approach to ending hunger by working with grassroots partners to ensure that families have resources to develop local solutions, such as land, water, seeds and training, to ensure access to nutritious food and a dignified life without hunger.
Inspired by the vision of John Lennon’s iconic song “Imagine,” limited-edition IMAGINE merchandise will be available for purchase from November to December 2014, and a portion of the retail price will directly benefit WhyHunger and the fight to end childhood hunger and poverty. Stop into a Hard Rock Café, Hotel or Casino or go online to hardrock.com/imagine and donate $2 to feed a child for a day, $5 to feed a child for a week, $10 to start a family or community garden and $20 to start a school garden program.
“As someone who has seen and experienced hunger personally, it’s so important for me to help get the message out that millions of people need our support,” said Yoko Ono Lennon. “Through IMAGINE, Hard Rock and WhyHunger are making great strides to bring us a future free from hunger where nutritious food is a human right.”
Music legends The Doobie Brothers, “Sound of Change” reggae-rock stars the Dirty Heads and singer/songwriter and social media teen phenom, Jacob Whitesides, will also serve as Hard Rock’s IMAGINE artist ambassadors in the U.S., along with local artists performing at live music events around the world.
To date, IMAGINE has helped communities grow enough food to provide more than 9.7 million nutritious meals tochildren and supported programs that taught more than 27,600 community members techniques for sustained food production. This year, IMAGINE is aiming to hit a program milestone of 10 million meals locally produced and served.
The IMAGINE campaign addresses the root causes of hunger and poverty through an approach that values families’ leadership and ingenuity and works in concert with the environment in a way that will let it thrive, grow and give back for many generations, and that places thepower to build and participate in local food and farm economies back in the hands of the community. Small-scale farmers and fisherpeople are feeding and cooling the planet through agroecological practices that value local knowledge and rights of women and young people. WhyHunger supports rural families and communities to achieve food sovereignty, or the right to decide what to plant and what to eat. By working with grassroots organizations dedicated to food sovereignty and agroecology, we create the conditions for families to achieve their self-determination and live a dignified life without hunger. Learn more about the approach at WhyHunger.org/imagine.
Take action by visiting www.hardrock.com/imagine and donating, and join the conversation with the hashtag #IMAGINENOHUNGER.