Whether you live near a small farm or not, there are plenty of ways that you can support family farms

There are many ways to get involved in the future of family farms, depending on whether you want to work directly on farm aid, become active in supporting local farms, or join groups that are changing food policy. We’ve borrowed some tips from Farm Aid‘s 10 Ways to Ensure Healthy Food For You and Your Family.
1. Know Your Food
Ask questions to learn about how and where your food was produced.
2. Be an Active Food Shopper
Tell your local grocer and restaurants that you want them to source their food from family farmers – and support those that do!
3. Ensure That Your Food Dollars Support Family Farmers
Buy from family farmers directly and look for family-farm identified food at the grocery store.
4. Get to Know a Family Farmer
Plan a family visit to a nearby farm to learn more about how food is produced.
5. Teach Children How to Grow Food
Plant a vegetable garden with children and help them plan and prepare a meal.
6. Bring Food and Farm Issues to Your Community
Organize a neighborhood gathering and invite a family farmer to discuss the benefits of local, sustainable food production.
7. Strengthen Local Support for Farmers
Ask your office cafeteria, public schools, colleges, hospitals, and nursing homes to buy from local farmers.
8. Get Involved in Grassroots Efforts
Form or join a citizens’ group that opposes industrial agriculture and works to strengthen family farm agriculture.
9. Demand Democracy in Our Food System
Your voice counts! Hold elected leaders accountable to your demands for safe and healthful food. Stop agribusiness from determining our farm and food policies.
10. Become a Food and Farm Activist
Join Farm Aid today – Save family farms and protect your choice for good food! Call 1-800-FARM AID or make a donation now and become a member.
(Reprinted, with permission, from Farm Aid)
For ways to get involved in reshaping federal food policy, contact the National Campaign for Sustainable Agriculture or the National Family Farm Coalition. To get involved in supporting minority and other small farmers, rural communities and farm workers contact the Rural Coalition/Coalición Rural.