Articles and news discussing the causes of food deserts, debate about the term itself, and proposed solutions to increasing healthy food access.
News Articles
“Can ‘Pop-Up’ Grocery Stores Solve the Problem of Food Deserts?” Alexandra Sifferlin, Time, July 2012.
“Food Deserts Aren’t the Problem .” Heather Tirado Gilligan, Slate, February 2014.
“Food Is Freedom.” LaDonna Redmond, The Nation, September 2009.
“It Takes More Than A Produce Aisle to Refresh A Food Desert. ” Patti Neighmond, National Public Radio, February 2014.
“L.A. Community Starved For Healthful Food Options .” Mandalit del Barco, National Public Radio, February 2011.
“Michelle Obama’s Food Desert Plan Yields Few New Stores: Retail.” Leslie Patton, Bloomberg, May 2012.
“The Case for Reparations.” Ta-Nehisi Coates, The Atlantic, May 2014.
“Time to Revisit Food Deserts.” David Bornstein, New York Times, April 2012.
“Urban Food Deserts Threaten Children’s Health.” Marian Wright Edelman, Children’s Defense Fund, January 2010.
Updated 08/2014