The organizations featured in this section are working to stop land grabs through their advocacy projects, and educational campaigns and publications
La via Campesina is the largest peasant movement in the world. It has been fighting for argrarian reform and against land grabs since its inception in 1993.
Food First, or the Institute for Food and Development Policy, is an advocacy organization and think thank dedicated to uprooting the causes of world hunger, and has been actively opposing and publishing on the issue of land grabs.
Land Loss Prevention Institute
The Land Loss Prevention Project (LLPP) is an organization that was formed to reduce lossses of black owned land in North Carolina. It provides help in a few different areas, such as litigation, public policy, and promoting sustainable agriculture.
Detroit Black Community Food Security Network
South Central Farmers
Friends of the MST
Rainforest Action Network
National Family Farm Coalition
The National Family Farm Coalition (NFFC), Though NFFC is an organization whose work has focused on family farm and rural groups in the United States, it has built solidarity with the international food sovereignty movement and shows its support to peasants and small farmers that have been affected by land grabs.
GRAIN, an international non-profit organization, was originally founded to draw attention to rapidly occurring biodiversity loss. It now focuses on a wide range of issues related to agriculture, including land grabs. Their work is centered on supporting small farmers and creating strong locally-based food systems in Africa, Asia, and Latin America., founded by GRAIN, is an excellent resource for finding up-to-date information about land grabs occurring around the world. The website provides vast number of articles on the countries and investment firms that are involved in land grabs.
Oakland Institute
Oakland Institute, based in California, has published oft-cited reports on investment in agriculture, free trade and free trade agreements, international aid, and many other issues impacting development in the Global South.
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP)
The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) works to raise awareness of issues impacting agriculture globally, especially unjust trade policy. In addition to their work on global agricultural issues, they have also researched rural crises in the U.S. and have worked for policy change domestically as well.
“The Guardian: International Land Deals”
The Guardian’s section on International Land Deals provides up-to-date news articles on land grabs. Apart from their focus on land grabs, the website also features articles drawing attention to ‘water grabs’ and other resource grabs as well, issues strongly interconnected to land deals. (PUBLICATIONS)
The International Land Coalition
The International Land Coalition consists of a broad range of organizations that include grassroots groups to international financial institutions working on land issues at the international level. They have published on the growing trend of land investment.