Organizations: Urban Agriculture & Community Gardens

Link up with people locally and learn more about the organizations doing work in the growing field of urban agriculture and community gardening.

Urban agriculture and community gardening often take on a very local context. This list of resources is meant to help inspire your local projects and make connections with organizations and groups dedicated to growing the national and global influence of urban agriculture.

American Community Gardening Association
The ACGA’s ongoing commitment to promoting community gardens as important food production sites, and its “Growing Communities” curriculum for leadership development, continues to make the organization relevant within the urban agriculture movement. Its listserve for members is a dependable source of technical information on urban growing.

Breaking Through Concrete
The website of the Summer 2010, coast-to-coast tour of urban agriculture projects across the United States. A book describing the journey is expected in 2011.

Brownfields and Land Remediation
The US Environmental Protection Agency offers information on brownfield assessments, laws and statutes, and cleanup grants.

Carrot City: Designing for Urban Agriculture
Carrot City is a traveling exhibit that shows how the design of buildings and cities can enable the production of food in the city. It explores the impact that agricultural issues can have on the design of urban spaces and buildings.

After over 30 years, this remains the best source for articles and other writings on urban agriculture in North America and worldwide.

Citywatch: Urban Ag Meat
This blog post explores the benefits and challenges of raising livestock in urban settings.

Community Food Projects Competitive Grants Program
This long-standing US Department of Agriculture grant program currently represents the federal government’s most significant support mechanism for metropolitan agriculture.
A website portal of material written by and related to the late Jac Smit, founder of The Urban Agriculture Network and a long-time advocate for urban agriculture worldwide.

MetroAg: Alliance for Urban Agriculture
MetroAg, a network of urban agriculture practitioners and supporters across the United States and Canada, has merged with The Urban Agriculture Network to collect and disseminate information on the current state of metropolitan agriculture.

Planning and Community Health Research Center, American Planning Association
Planning for increased food access, including the promotion of urban agriculture, is an important strategy of this unit within APA’s National Centers for Planning.

Resource Centres on Urban Agriculture and Food Security
Based in The Netherlands, RUAF promotes global urban and periurban agriculture through books, the Urban Agriculture Magazine, and through its global partners in South America, Africa, South Asia and China.

SustainWeb/Urban Agriculture
A source of urban agriculture news in London, Great Britain and beyond, produced by Sustain, one of the UK’s premier food advocacy organizations.

Urban Agriculture Committee, Community Food Security Coalition
This CFSC member committee focuses the Coaltion’s advocacy efforts on federal and local policies supporting urban farming. Committee members have also written several position papers on urban and metropolitan agriculture.

Urban Harvest
Urban Harvest works to promote the value of urban and periurban food production through research and projects in African and South America.

Updated 1/2014
