What We’re Reading: Article Round-Up

At WhyHunger we know it’s important to stay critically informed on the issues related to hunger and poverty, while also uplifting the voices, stories and successes of grassroots food justice advocates. So, every couple of weeks we’ll be sharing a compilation of articles that highlight the intersections of racial, social and environmental justice to spur conversations and keep you up-to-date with relevant news.

Below are some of our staff picks. Happy reading!

Article Round-Up:

  1. Guardian: Why Are America’s Farmers Killing Themselves in Record Numbers? 

Due to intensive labor conditions, unstable financial standings, and an unpredictable climate, farmers are finding themselves increasingly challenged both mentally and physically. Several experts in the field discuss the resulting crisis of suicide among farmers, and where to go from here.

  1. New Food Economy: Does “America First” Mean Turning a Blind Eye to Global Hunger? 

Pushing an “America First” agenda, focusing on domestic rather than foreign policy, could mean taking much needed attention away from larger issues of food insecurity worldwide, in addition to a variety of other global human rights violations.

  1. Bustle: How Black Millennials Are Taking Direct Action to Achieve Food Justice and You Can Too 

The importance of Black health issues is coming to attention as food and medical access are being called into question in many communities around the country. One group of teens is working to raise awareness and bring healthy, fresh food to their neighbors.

  1. Sports Illustrated: What Colin Kaepernick’s Philanthropy Tells Us About His Vision for Social Change in America 

In the wake of immense criticism and support, Colin Kaepernick continues to stay active by developing relationships in small communities and supporting charitable organizations in an effort to incite real social change to America.

  1. Modern Farmer: Nine in Ten American Adults Don’t Eat Enough Fruits and Vegetables

Compared to federal nutrition guidelines, nearly 90% of American adults are failing to meet the recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables. A new report by the CDC illuminates these issues of health in America by pointing blame not just at poor eating habits, but at systematic problems with access and education.

  1. Guardian: A Civil Rights ‘Emergency’: Justice, Clean Water, and Air In The Age of Trump

Peeling away rules designed to protect clean air and water is fueling a growing urgency around the struggle for environmental justice, say political leaders, academics and activists.

  1. EcoWatch: USDA Makes School Meals More Flexible, Translation: Less Nutritious 

The USDA’s revised guidelines are lifting many old regulations to create more flexibility for school lunch programs, but the changes may also come with a loss of nutrition value.

  1. NY Times: How Much Food Do We Waste? Probably More Than You Think

Despite high rates of global hunger nearly one third of our world’s food supply is wasted, resulting in extreme effects on the environment as well as the economy.

  1. Los Angeles Times: UN Monitor on Extreme Poverty Tours Skid Row in L.A. 

As part of a special investigation of the U.N. human rights council, Professor Philip Alston travels to the epicenter of homelessness at L.A.’s skid row to investigate the plight of the most vulnerable people in the economic doldrums of the richest nation in the world.

  1. Truth Out: Native People and Allies Pledge to Stop Keystone XL

In the wake of Standing Rock protests, Native groups of South Dakota have gathered with youth groups, women’s societies, non-native farmers, and other grassroots organizations to stand against the construction of a new Keystone pipeline.


Jaime Wilson