This back-to-school season, WhyHunger is breaking down what our work is all about…starting with our ABCs. Join us to learn the key terms we all – even our littlest readers – need to understand as we work together to end hunger for good!
Agroecology is a way of life for millions of small-scale farmers around the world. It brings communities together to create their own solutions as they produce healthy food and conserve soil, water, and local seeds.
It blends science with Indigenous knowledge and the wisdom of those who work the land and waters. Agroecology is a way for families and communities to care for the land and each other while building independence from the industrial food system.
It helps communities determine for themselves what they eat, and helps them engage socially and politically to protect land and resources while advocating for policies that support sustainable production.
Agroecology is a movement framework. That means it is spread from farmer-to-farmer, campesino – to – campesino, community-to-community.
It looks like:
- young farmers planting diverse fruits and vegetables to increase soil productivity and provide year-round nutrition to their community.
- women supporting each other to pilot small livestock production (like chickens and pigs!) to supplement local families’ diets and generate additional income.
- Small-scale farmers organizing to champion family farmers and sustainable food, rather than policies that favor industrial farms and commodity crops.
Welcome to WhyHunger’s Kids’ Corner, where we break down big concepts for our littlest readers. We believe that engaging in justice-centered discussions and activities at home can help kids (and adults!) develop their critical thinking, advocacy, compassion and learning. In this section, you’ll find videos, sing-a-longs, coloring sheets and more to use as a jumping off point for important conversations.
Agroecology is a big word, but once you break it down, it’s easy!This means growing food that works with nature and not against it.
Agroecological farmers work together with animals, plants, and bugs to make healthy soil to grow healthy food. This means that farmers don’t have to use yucky chemicals to grow the food we put in our bellies.
They also grow lots of different fruits and vegetables together. So instead of a giant field of just corn, farmers can grow corn, tomatoes, carrots, and blueberries all together! This way, they can grow more food, and more types of food, for more people.
Agroecology also helps to keep our soil healthy and our water clean, and brings people together to learn and create change.
Ready to have some fun? Click here for an Agroecology coloring sheet. And watch this special new Agroecology song created by GRAMMY Award Winner, WhyHunger Advisory Board member, and our long-time friend Tom Chapin!
ABCs of Food Justice: Tom Chapin + Agroecology
Agroecology works! It’s creating lasting solutions to hunger in thousands of communities, and is a crucial part of WhyHunger’s strategy to address global hunger.
We consider agroecology paramount in eradicating poverty and hunger and transforming society.
Make agroecology part of your vocabulary!