Hunger doesn’t take a summer vacation. Only a fraction of kids who receive free breakfast and lunch during the school year participate in the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), which fills the gap for hungry kids all over the country and all summer long. Join us for a Twitter Town Hall tomorrow, Thursday, June 13, from 3 to 4PM EST with the Food and Nutrition Coalition, USDA Food and Nutrition Service, FRAC and Feeding America as we celebrate and promote the Summer Food Service Program! Follow the hashtag #summermeals and share info, photos, videos and vines of your organization’s outreach activities! We invite everyone to participate and help spread the word about this vital program.
The USDA’s Summer Food Service Program is available at local organizations, like schools, recreation centers, playgrounds, parks, churches, summer camps and more around the country. WhyHunger partners with the USDA to ensure that more children and their families have access to free, nutritious food during the summer months by promoting the Summer Food Service Program to callers to the National Hunger Hotline (1-866-3 HUNGRY and 1-877-8 HAMBRE), by registering summer feeding sites in our database, and through promotional materials that people can post in their communities.