Welcome to 2011!

Happy New Year Everyone and welcome to 2011! We ended the year with our two biggest campaigns, Hungerthon and “Imagine There’s No Hunger”. Both campaigns exceeded our expectations a

Happy New Year Everyone and welcome to 2011!

We ended the year with our two biggest campaigns, Hungerthon and “Imagine There’s No Hunger”. Both campaigns exceeded our expectations and we hope all of you were able to participate in them in some way.

2011 finds us continuing our efforts in ending hunger and poverty. We are excited to again work with our friends at Papa Roach, Hard Rock International, Limelight, Carlos Santana and some of our other amazing partners as well as begin new relationships with artists, grassroots groups and corporate partners.

On the programmatic side, we’ll be focused on a few important initiatives. It’s still a year away, but we’re developing our best organizing strategy to make change in the 2012 Food & Farm Bill – the huge, every-five-years legislation that influences everything we eat. You’ll be hearing more about how to get involved in the coming months. We’re also really excited for the pilot year of the Community Learning Project for Food Justice, in partnership with our friends at Growing Power. The project will bring together pairs of grassroots organizations to build relationships and learn skills and techniques from each other. We’re continuing our work with communities in Arizona and Mississippi to address food deserts – places where there aren’t grocery stores or other spots to buy food – and we’re busy preparing for the launch of our new website, including a revamped Food Security Learning Center. 

 In an ongoing effort to address the underlying causes of the world food crisis, WhyHunger and our partners have recently launched the US Food Sovereignty Alliance.  This national alliance of farmers, consumers, anti-hunger advocates, and others has joined together to turn the tables on the food crisis.  Stay tuned for via our website, Facebook and Twitter for action alerts and other ways you can get involved in the months to come.

For now, enjoy this heartfelt video produced by AAH&P member Jessarae that he created for Hungerthon 2010. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGSqiqtTGEs

Here’s to Imagining a better world for everyone in 2011!
