This week, our friends at the Coalition of Immokalee Workers and their allies are commemorating Wendy’s annual Founder’s Week (November 11-17) – but with a bit of a twist from how the pigtailed fast food chain is celebrating the week itself.
Wendy’s remains the last major US fast food chain still holding out from joining the groundbreaking Fair Food Program, which guarantees human rights and a fair wage to farmworkers in Florida’s tomato industry. “As Wendy’s celebrates Founder’s Week and champions such values as ‘Treat People with Respect,’ ‘Give Something Back,’ and ‘Do The Right Thing,’” stated Gerardo Reyes of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, “We are calling on Wendy’s to use this week as an opportunity to turn the values it claims to support into a reality by ensuing that as farmworkers our basic human rights and dignity are respected.”
As recently reported by Edible Manhattan, “Despite Wendy’s claiming that they already follow guidelines for purchasing from fair growers, it’s not enough… ‘We need them to commit to the program so that we can ensure they only buy from the participating farms and stop buying from farms that abuse their workers. That’s the only way we can ensure that they do this, words are not good enough, we need them to commit.'”
Actions in cities across the country this week will highlight the fact that the values of Wendy’s founder Dave Thomas’ stand in stark contradiction to Wendy’s refusal to join the Fair Food Program, and each day, one of Wendy’s Founder’s values will be updated to reflect the reality of Wendy’s decision not to participate in the Program:
Quality is our Recipe –> Inequality is our Recipe Do the Right Thing –> Do the Right Thing and Join the Fair Food Program Just Be Nice –> Justice Would be Nice Profit Means Growth –> People Over Profit Give Something Back –> Give a Penny Back
To join an action in your area, go here for more information!