Join WhyHunger at the Brooklyn Food Conference!

WhyHunger is excited to be participating in the Brooklyn Food Conference this weekend. There are many ways to connect with us at this amazing event- stop by our table at the expo, or come to one of the following workshops featuring WhyHunger staff:

Beyond Bread: Healthy Food Sourcing at Food Pantries 12:30pm-1:45pm 5N6 Emergency Food Programs have the potential to help revitalize local food systems while providing nutritious food. This workshop will look at innovative strategies, examine new research, and focus on two successful local models in food sourcing and nutrition education.

Free Trade vs. Safe, Just, and Sustainable Food 11:00-12:15pm 5W12 An information-packed session on the threats of free trade agreements and how we can fight to globalize food justice, not corporate control of our food.  Learn how “free” trade hurts farmers, forces migration, exploits labor, jeopardizes food safety, supports factory farming, and otherwise undermines the goals of the food movement.

The People’s Struggle for Food Sovereignty, from Global to Local 12:30-1:45pm 5W12 Around the world, people are fighting for control of their food, land, and water, as part of the global movement for food sovereignty.  Hear from international food sovereignty leaders and from leaders of frontline struggles for food sovereignty in the US.  Learn how you can be part of this movement.

Taking Action for Global Food Justice 3:30-4:45pm 5W12 A participatory session to plan strategies and actions to fight free trade agreements that destroy farming communities, make our food unsafe, and globalize unsustainable industrial agriculture. Learn about the latest  trade agreements threatening our food system, hear about past organizing efforts from seasoned activists, and then: get organized!

From Dream to Reality: Launching a Farm Incubator in NYC 11:00-12:15pm 5W12 Want to help launch a project that integrates new farmer incubation and community food, agriculture and environmental education? Come to this workshop on the Floyd Bennet Field Farm and Education Center. We’re looking for enthusiastic and talented volunteers to help get this project off the ground this year. Join us!

You can also follow our tweets (@whyhunger) throughout the event at #bfc2012.

See you there!

Brooke Smith