Websites, publications, articles, books, and videos making the connection between the climate and food crisis.
Cool Foods Campaign: Launched by the Center for Food Safety, this campaign educates the public about the impact of their food choices across the entire food system and empowers them with the resources to reduce this impact. Also check out the wealth of resources they have here.
Food Climate Research Network: This research network based in the UK aims to better understand how the food system contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, and to research and promote ways of reducing them.
Food & Climate., 2009.
IATP’s Climate and Agriculture site: A frequently updated collection of reports, videos, articles, and more from the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy.
La Via Campesina: This site of the international peasant network La Via Campesina has reports, statements, action alerts, and updates on the campaign to cool the planet through small-scale, sustainable agriculture.
Rainforest Action Network: One of RAN’s focus areas is the impact of the world’s largest agribusinesses on rainforest destruction and climate change. Check out their latest news and action alerts.
Rodale Institute: The Rodale Institute has done some of the most groundbreaking work out there on the potential of sustainable agriculture as a major mitigator of climate change. Check out their latest findings.
Take a Bite out of Climate Change: A project of the Small Planet Institute, this site provides you with up-to-date information and analysis on the food and climate connection, as well as resources for action.
TripleCrisis: Administered by Tuft’s Global Development and Environment Institute, this blog brings together thoughtful analysis on the simultaneous crises in finance, development, and the environment occurring globally and includes ample material on food and climate.
Women, Gender Equality, and Climate Change: This site brings together the resources of all United Nations agencies pertaining to the topic of women, gender equality, and climate change.
Climate Change and the Right to Food: A Comprehensive Study. Human Rights Institute of Columbia Law School and Olivier De Schutter, Heinrich Böll Foundation, 2009.
Climate Inequity. Shalini Gupta and Cecilia Martinez, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, 2009.
Diet for a Hot Planet. Anna Lappé, Bloomsbury, 2010.
Fueling Disaster: A Community Food Security Perspective on Agrofuels. Corrina Steward, Christina Schiavoni, Peter Mann, Ken Meter, Robert Gronski, and Siena Chrisman, Community Food Security Coalition International Links Committee, 2007.
Growing Climate Justice. Annie Shattuck, Food First Backgrounder, winter 2009.
Harvest of Heat: Agribusiness and Climate Change. Gar Smith, Agribusiness Action Initiatives – North America, 2010.
Regenerative versus Industrial Agriculture: A Solution to Climate Change? Tristan Quinn-Thibodeau and Peter Mann, WhyHunger, 2008.
Securing Future Food: Towards Ecological Food Provision. UK Food Group, 2010.
Seedling – Climate Crisis Special Issue. GRAIN, October, 2009.
Soil Carbon and Organic Farming. Gundula Azeez, Soil Association, 2009. (See summary here).
Small Scale Sustainable Farmers Are Cooling Down the Earth. La Via Campesina, 2009.
Smallholder Solutions to Hunger, Poverty and Climate Change. Eric Holt-Gimenez and Annie Shattuck, ActionAid International and Food First, 2009.
Soil Not Oil. Vandana Shiva, South End Press, 2008. (For an article related to this book, click here).
Sustainable Agriculture: Meeting Food Security Needs, Addressing Climate Change Challenges. Lim Li Ching, The Oakland Institute, 2008.
The Climate-Friendly Gardener. Union of Concerned Scientists, 2010.
The Food and Farming Transition: Toward a Post-Carbon Food System. Richard Heinberg and Michael Bomford, Post Carbon Institute, 2009.
The Time is NOW: Lessons from Farmers Adapting to Climate Change. Jennifer Leavy, Kattie Lussier and Ilana Solomon, ActionAid, 2008.
Worldwatch Report 179: Mitigating Climate Change through Food and Land Use. Sara J. Scherr and Sajal Sthapit, Worldwatch Institute, 2009.
In the Media (by date):
Who’s at the Table, Talking Food and Climate?” Leslie Hatfield, Huffington Post, December 17, 2009.
“To Cut Global Warming, Swedes Study Their Plates,” Elisabeth Rosenthal, New York Times, October 22, 2009.
“An Amazon Culture Withers as Food Dries Up,” Elisabeth Rosenthal, New York Times, July 25, 2009.
“A Message for Climate Change Negotiators: Small Farmers Key to Combating Climate Change,” Annie Shattuck,, December 2, 2008.
Multimedia Resources:
The Food and Climate Connection: From Heating the Planet to Healing It (a short film produced by WhyHunger that was featured in the intro to this topic)
Videos from the NYC Food and Climate Justice Summit (December 12, 2009):
• Part 1
• Part 2 (includes an excellent address by Vandana Shiva)
• Part 3
Presentation materials on Climate Change and Ecological Footprint, Presbyterian Hunger Program
Food Systems and Climate Change: Impacts and Solutions (PPT), presentation by Dr. Molly Anderson of Food Systems Integrity at the 2008 Community Food Security Coalition Conference, October 8, 2008.