Read about leaders and resources in the field of community supported agriculture.

A comprehensive information clearinghouse on all aspects of CSA. The CSA Learning Center provides opportunities for diverse community members, prospective farmers, and CSA shareholders from the greater Chicago area.
A major promoter of CSA in North America, publishing a bimonthly newsletter, sponsoring CSA conferences, providing catalog of related resources and maintaining a large CSA database.
The Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems (CASFS)
CASFS is a research, education, and public service program at the University of California, Santa Cruz, dedicated to increasing ecological sustainability and social justice in the food and agriculture system. The CASFS operates a 100-member CSA program and conducts research and publishes articles on the efficacy of alternative food initiatives such as CSA.
The Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems
The Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems at the University of Wisconsin at Madison brings together university faculty, farmers, policy makers, and others to study relationships between farming practices, farm profitability, the environment, and rural vitality.
Community Supported Agriculture of North America at University of Massachusetts Extension
This sight offers CSA profiles and resources on community supported agriculture.
The Equity Trust, Inc.
A community development organization that has created a revolving-loan fund for CSA farms to acquire and develop agricultural land with appropriate conservation easements and/or other tenure arrangements that serve both farmers and communities; provides technical assistance and advice to CSA farms on land tenure issues.
Robyn Van En Center for CSA Resources
The Robyn Van En Center offers a variety of services to existing and new CSA farmers and shareholders nationally. A clearinghouse for all information relating to CSA’s.
USDA’s Alternative Farming Systems Information Center (CSA)
An excellent and comprehensive resource for accessing information on all topics in print and video media relating to CSA.
The Food Bank Farm
The Food Bank Farm is one of the largest and most efficient CSAs in the country and the first with the primary mission of helping to feed those in need.
The Homeless Garden Project
Founded in 1990 by a group of concerned citizens with a commitment to promoting long term and meaningful solutions to the problem of homelessness the Garden Project provides job training and transitional employment to homeless individuals in the classroom of an organic garden.
Just Food
Just Food’s CSA in New York helps support family farms that are struggling to stay in business, while providing city people, particularly those in low-income neighborhoods, with access to high-quality, locally-grown, affordable produce.
Profiles of Model CSA Projects in NY State
Detailed stories of nine New York CSA’s that have reached out to include low-income members.
Madison Area CSA Partner Shares Program
The Partner Shares Program raises funds to subsidize CSA memberships. Low-income families that qualify for this program only pay 1/2 the price of a normal farm share because the other half is matched by a variety of organizations.
WhyHunger’s Community Food Projects Database
A searchable database of community food projects designed to meet the food needs of low-income people. Under focus area, select CSA to find profiled CSA projects.
CSA FARM DIRECTORIES- search by city, state or zip
Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association CSA listings
Local Harvest
NewFarm Farm Locator
The Eat Well Guide
Congregational Supported Agriculture links farms and religious communities helping members of churches support local farmers in their food production. This helps people of faith practice stewardship of the earth through what they buy and how they eat. It fulfills basic expectations of all faiths to support economic justice, ecological practices and community.
Canticle Farm
Offers low-income individuals and families two special programs to help afford a share of Canticle Farm’s produce. With the Revolving Loan Fund, low-income individuals and families are able to make payments towards the cost of a share over several months. To reduce the cost of a share, low-income individuals and families may also work in exchange for a reduced rate.
Genesis Farm
Genesis Farm focuses on the connections between the health and sustainability of the earth and the health of human communities. They support individuals to become part of creating that health, both inwardly and outwardly.
The HOPE CSA ministry – which stands for Hands-On Pastoral Education using ClergySustaining Agriculture – is a program to show pastors how to better care for their congregations by observing the dynamics of a family farm.
Updated 2/2011