Links & Resources: Food Sovereignty

Read up on core documents, reports, fact sheets and more that define the emergence and growth of the movement for food sovereignty – plus watch La Via Campesina TV clips.


And The Echo Follows
Nic Paget-Clarke, 2010 

Food Movements Unite! Strategies to Transform Our Food Systems
Edited by Eric Holt-Giménez, 2011
Contributors include: Samir Amin, Paul Nicholson, Horácio Martins de Carvalho, João Pedro Stedile, George Naylor, Tabara Ndiaye, Mariamé Ouattara, John Wilson, Groundswell International, Raj Patel, Josh Viertel, Brahm Ahmadi, Lucas Benítez, José Oliva, Xavier Montagut, Ken Meter, Olivier de Schutter, Hans Herren, Nora McKeon, Brian Tokar, Miriam Nobre, Rosalinda Guillén, Annie Shattuck

Food Sovereignty: Reconnecting Food, Nature and Community
Edited by Hannah Wittman, Annette Aurélie Desmarais and Nette Wiebe, 2010
Contributors include: Miguel Altieri, Mara Baviera, Walden Bello, Saturnino Borras Jr., Madeleine Fairbairn, Carla Fehr, Jennifer Franco, Jim Handy, Eric Holt-Giménez, Rachel Bezner Kerr, Jack Kloppenburg, Itelvina Masioli, Philip McMichael, Paul Nicholson, Raj Patel, Annie Shattuck

Globalization and Food Sovereignty: Global and Local Change in the New Politics of Food (Studies in Comparative Political Economy & Public Policy)
Edited by Peter Andree, Jeffrey Ayres, Michael Bosia, Marie-Josee Massicotte, 2014
Nearly complete edition also available on Google Books

La Via Campesina: Globalization and the Power of Peasants  
Annette Aurelie Desmarais, 2007 

Towards Food Sovereignty: Reclaiming autonomous food systems
Michel Pimbert, 2010



Agrofuels, Food Sovereignty, and the Contemporary Food Crisis
Peter Rosset, June 2009

Food Sovereignty: A Critical Dialogue 
Food Sovereignty Agrarian Studies Conference Paper Series, Yale University, 2013/2014Nearly 100 Working Papers and Discussion Notes from the conferences at Yale University in September 2013 and at the International Institute for Social Studies in The Hague in January of 2014 are available for reference on the ISS website.

Food Sovereignty: Reclaiming the global food system
Sue Branford, War on Want, October 2011

The Journal of Peasant Studies: Food Sovereignty Grassroots Voices
Vol. 36, No. 3, July 2009, 663–706
Edited by Raj Patel
Contributors include: Hannah Wittman, Christina Schiavoni, Marcia Ishii-Eiteman, Rodgers Msachi, Laifolo Dakishoni and Rachel Bezner Kerr  

Our Seeds, Our Future
La Via Campesina, May 2013

Our World Is Not For Sale | Priority to Peoples’ Food Sovereignty: WTO out of Food and Agriculture
Via Campesina and allied organizations

Seeds and Peasant Autonomy
Guy Kastler, Antonio Onorati, and Bob Brac, 2013

Via Campesina and Agroecology
Peter M. Rosset and Maria Elena Martinez-Torres, 2013

For additional scholarly articles and reports, see recently released documents available via a curated online search.


Fact Sheets:

Agroecology. Proof is In: We Know How to Grow Enough Food Without Harmful Chemicals
Small Planet Institute, 2013

Gaining Control Over Our Food Systems: The Right to Food, Agroecology and Food Sovereignty
FIAN International, December 2013



The Peasants’ struggle in sounds, images, and music! ViacampesinaTV is the new open hub of sounds and images from the broad food sovereignty movement. Media is available in 11 languages so far.

Updated 8/2014

