December 20, 2017 Slideshow: 6th International Encounter on Agroecology, Sustainable Agriculture & Cooperativism Corbin Laedlein Connect Blog, Uncategorized Photos and captions on 6th International Agroecology Encounter as hosted by ANAP (The National Association of Small Famers) in Artemisa, Cuba. In October of 2017, the Asociación Nacional de Agricultores Pequeños (ANAP), hosted their Sixth International Encounter on Agroecology, Sustainable Agriculture, and Cooperativism. This encounter also commemorated the 20th year since the arrival of the Campesino a Campesino (Peasant to Peasant) methodology from Central America. This horizontal methodology has been credited for the spread of agroecological principles and techniques among Cuba’s farmers. The conference was hosted in the province of Artemisa, located to the west of Havana, at the ANAP’s provincial headquarters. Upon arriving, delegates were then split into groups and traveled to the various provinces around the country, where they stated for a few days for farm visits. A farmer in the province of Santa Clara explains how he processes manure to create biogas for cooking and fertilizer for his farm. Some of the many publications distributed by ANAP for small farmers in Cuba. Some of the citrus produced by famers in the province of Santa Clara. Famers use a natural pesticide developed from cactus sap to treat citrus. A farm in Santa Clara that grows coffee under the shade of its plantain trees. Oxen and implements used to plough the soil at a farm in Santa Clara. A farmer at the Los Rodriguez farm in Santa Clara, in front of a field of beans and young plantain trees. A field of young plantain trees at La Luisa farm in Santa Clara. A farmer at La Luisa farm talks with visitors on a tour of the farm. Farmers and conference participants discuss the experiences with agroecology and the campesino a campesino methodology in the province of Santa Clara. Some of the many fruits and vegetables grown by ANAP members on display at the international encounter in Artemisa. Tobacco grown by ANAP farmers on display at the international encounter in Artemisa. Some of the many fruits and vegetables grown by ANAP members on display at the international encounter in Artemisa. Some of the many fruits and vegetables grown by ANAP members on display at the international encounter in Artemisa. Seeds produced by ANAP members on display at the international encounter in Artemisa. Some value-added products produced with ingredients grown by ANAP members on display at the international encounter in Artemisa. A farmer and agroecology promoter from Artemisa presents about his experiences. A panel discussion reflecting on the 20 years of the Campesino a Campesino methodology in Cuba, featuring Cuban farmers and agroecology promoters. A panel discussion international experiences with the Campesino a Campesino, featuring Don Felipe Tomás Mux of Guatemala, one of the co-creators of the Campesino a Campesino methodology, as well as members of Nicaragua’s Asociación de Trabajadores Del Campo (ATC), and Brazil’s Movimento Sem Terra (MST). A cake to celebrate the completion of the 6th International Encounter on Agroecology, Sustainable Agriculture, and Cooperativism. Tag: Agroecology, Food Sovereignty Tweet