Members of Philadelphia’s Pedal Co-op are “asserting their rights as bicyclists to be a part of the everyday utility of the city” and are promoting bikes for everyday business. The Pedal Co-op is the only worker run organization providing waste removal services by bicycle throughout Philadelphia. Owner/ Members of the Pedal Co-op volunteer their time and energy for a number of reasons. Some site their passion for the environment, while others volunteer to better their neighborhoods and the world for future generations. The unique business agenda of the Pedal Co-op has allowed it to act as a bridge between many different communities in Philadelphia including the waste reduction, composting, and local food communities. Members all agree that it is important to provide an alternate structure or model for a way of doing business in Philadelphia and using bikes to get rid of waste just makes sense. By making pick-ups and deliveries on bicycles with trailers, the Pedal Co-op is working towards a Philadelphia with cleaner air, quieter streets, healthier communities, and emptier landfills.
As CLP peer mentors, the Pedal Co-op is sharing how they set up their bicycle hauling and delivery service and providing hands-on technical assistance to their partners who want to create a similar model in their community. In exchange, the Pedal Co-op is learning more effective and efficient techniques in composting and soil production for use in community gardens.
WhyHunger is proud to be working with the Pedal Co-op as one of 15 peer mentors participating in the Community Learning Project for Food Justice (CLP). Click here to learn more about the Community Learning Project for Food Justice and this year’s crop of peer mentors.