Passover, the Jewish holiday commemorating the Jews’ exodus from slavery in Egypt, begins on Monday. Food is important at many holidays, but it plays a particular role at Passover. The seder, the Passover ceremony, happens at the dining room table with friends and family, and includes eating and drinking of symbolic foods and wine, as well as the dinner meal itself. Given the important role of food and the themes of slavery and liberation, Passover is an ideal time to think about those who don’t have enough to eat and justice for those who produce our food.
For those celebrating the holiday, we’ve compiled some resources to help you incorporate questions and discussions of hunger and food justice into your seder:
Let All Who Are Hungry Come and Eat: A Seder Dedicated to Hunger Awareness and Activism [pdf] from the Jewish Council for Public Affairs
A Tomato on the Seder Plate: Standing with Farmworkers in their Struggle to Uproot Modern-Day Slavery [pdf] from T’ruah and the Coalition of Immokalee Workers
Food and Justice Passover Haggadah [pdf] from Bend the Arc
Green Your Passover from Repair the World
Ten Ways to Bring Human Rights to Your Seder [pdf] from T’ruah
At your seder, how do you recognize injustices in today’s world and talk about ways to create change? Share your favorite resources in the comments.
Happy Pesach from all of us at WhyHunger!