“Food and farming are the essence of life. Food and farming can be used to have dominion over people, countries, over neighbors and communities or it can be used to liberate.”
– Jesús Vázquez, Organización Boricuá, National Coordination Team
This summer marks the 30th anniversary of Organización Boricuá de Agricultura Ecológica, a powerful collective of farmers, farm workers, and food sovereignty activists that came together to share sustainable farming practices, create a vehicle for organizing, advance food sovereignty and to build a new, bold vision for Puerto Rico.
Since its early days, Organización Boricuá has won critical victories and trained thousands of farmers who are now producing healthy, chemical-free food for their families and communities through agroecology. Over the last three decades, they’ve played a powerful role in amplifying the voices of farmers and farm workers for land access, resource protection, fair wages and more, while engaging in international social movements for food sovereignty and justice.
Over the past few weeks they have joined thousands of Puerto Ricans in the streets of Old San Juan to voice their shared political vision and hold their government accountable to its people.
WhyHunger teamed up with Organización Boricuá in the fall of 2018 to visit the archipelago, meet the famers, learn how they have been leading recovery after Hurricane Maria and share this important story.
For more on the great work Organización Boricuá has been doing, click here.
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