How would you answer the following questions?
“What does it mean to you and your community to dismantle racism through the food system?” “What would the world look like without an imbalance of power and privilege?”
Below are a couple of excerpts from the www., a new feature of the www. in the www.. The project presents interviews with food justice activists from various different backgrounds discussing their work to dismantle racism through food systems change. Listen to what they have to say on “whitewashing and greenwashing,” “medicalization and pathologization of bodies of color,” “race and gender,” “food and spirituality,” and “indigenous knowledges and rights and decolonization.” Then join the conversation by leaving a comment and sharing what you’re doing in your community.
Natasha Bowens of The Color of Food talks about what it means to her and her community to dismantle racism through the food system. listen to Natasha’s full interview.
Analena Hope discusses white institutions studying, dissecting, and analyzing bodies of color? www. to listen to Analena’s full interview.
Jay McMillin on how women of color in particular affected by the current, unjust food system? www. to listen to Jay’s full interview.
Aaron Ableman talks about how farming, cooking, and eating are spiritual acts for him and how they fit into his broader spirituality? www. to listen to Aaron’s full interview.
Marcus Grignon explains how we can decolonize our minds, communities, government, and society? www. to listen to Marcus’ full interview.
The Spoken Word Project is a continuing partnership between WhyHunger, Growing Food and Justice Initiative (GFJI), and Growing Power, Inc.